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Virgin Holidays Advert

Virgin Holidays Advert

Concept, art direction and copy for this Virgin Holidays advert, enticing customers into stores to book the holiday of their dreams.
Long Player Branding

Long Player Branding

Branding for Long Player Radio, a fortnightly radio show presented by Pete Paphides. For those of you under the age...
Adventures of Merlin Book Design

Adventures of Merlin Book Design

Art direction and design for a book to celebrate five series of the TV series Merlin, from FremantleMedia and Shine Productions.
Wentworth Campaign

Wentworth Campaign

Campaign branding for FremantleMedia’s launch of Wentworth, the remake of the classic Prisoner TV show.
Faith Fanzine Art Direction

Faith Fanzine Art Direction

Editorial design for the London based house music magazine for articles as varied as a lost Larry Levan interview, Greg...
